BBQ Skirt Steak

With the nice weather upon us, I love to BBQ. Actually, we were even BBQ’ing when it was snowing, but we are used to the cold weather. I will try to blog more about BBQ ideas, as I even have baked cookies on my BBQ in the really hot weather.

This past week I made our family skirt steak. I make my steak a bit under cooked because I like to warm it in a 200F oven before we eat our Friday night meal. If you want your meat darker, just BBQ it longer on each side


1 skirt steak ( 2 lbs)

3 tbsp canola oil

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp sweet paprika

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 tbsp soya sauce

Turn bbq on and wait 10 minutes until it reaches 400F

Take steak and wash it well under water. Lay it on a plate. Take canola oil and add spices and soya sauce to it, mixing it evenly in a small bowl. Baste the steak on both sides with canola/spice mixture.

Take tongs and lay steak onto grill. Cover and wait 6 minutes. Grill second side for an additional six minutes. If you want a darker steak, grill longer.

Remove from grill and sit onto a clean plate. Let meat sit for 15 – 20 minutes. This allows the juices to settle in the meat. Serve sliced with some garden herbs around it for decoration.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out


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10 responses to “BBQ Skirt Steak”

  1. This would be good if the meat was switched out for tempeh


    1. That’s a great idea. I should do a piece on grilling kosher tempeh.


      1. I thought “kosher” meant a certain type of animal slaughter?


      2. “Kosher” means to follow all dietary laws in the Torah. This does include the way to slaughter animals, however is not limited to that. My cola has to be certified kosher for me to drink it, for example.


      3. Oh ok I didn’t know that, does it have to do with health or is it just a religious thing?


      4. Technically both, because when following the laws it has been found our health is positively affected. Not just spiritually but physically.


      5. I’ve heard the Torah also forbids tattoos and piercings, is that true? (Sorry I’m unfamiliar with Jewish literature) I know Christianity and Islam forbid them too but most people halfass follow their religion anyway and are unaware of the rules


      6. You could consult a local rabbi for more answers. I try to focus this blog on food related questions. Thanks ❤️


      7. I’m not going to do that but ok haha


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